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24th Butterfly Luncheon

April 28 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Alua ArthurAlua Arthur, America’s leading death doula, will be the special guest at the Houston Hospice 24th Butterfly Luncheon. A New York Times bestselling author of, “Briefly Perfectly Human: Making an Authentic Life by Getting Real About the End,” this memoir reframes how we think about death and explores how death can help us lead better, more fulfilling and authentic lives.

Alua supports and helps manage end-of-life care for patients and families and her company, Going with Grace, guides people as they navigate the emotional, practical, legal and spiritual issues surrounding end-of-life.

Alua supports and helps manage end-of-life care for patients and families. She meets people where they are and encourages them to face their mortality, by asking, “What must I do to be at peace with myself so I can live presently and die gracefully – holding both at the same time.”

Sharing the spotlight at the event will be Houston Hospice volunteers. April is National Volunteer Month and the Houston Hospice Volunteers of the Year will be announced.

Monica Hampton (who, along with her family, was the keynote speaker at the 2023 Butterfly Luncheon) will chair this year’s event and funds raised benefit Houston Hospice and the pediatric hospice program.

Butterfly Program

The Butterfly Program cares for our most vulnerable patients – children aged 18 years or younger. As one of only two hospice centers in the greater Houston area with a specialized pediatrics care team, our medical care and devotion to the child is unmatched.

Caring for children is not a one-size-fits-all scenario because their growth and development is ever-changing. Our dedicated team is skilled at providing the appropriate level of care for each child’s needs.

Our Butterfly Team enhances the quality of life of pediatric patients and their families by minimizing pain and discomfort and providing emotional and spiritual support. Since its inception in 1992, the Houston Hospice Butterfly Program has cared for hundreds of patients and families.

For more information on the 24th Butterfly Luncheon, please contact Kristina Derrick at 713-677-7124.


April 28
11:00 am - 1:00 pm


The Junior League of Houston
1811 Briar Oaks Lane
Houston, TX 77027 United States
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Kristina Derrick