Houston Hospice

Emergency Preparedness

Houston Hospice has developed procedures should any event occur that could hinder the organization’s ability to operate. Houston Hospice will make every effort to continue services during a crisis. Our goals are to be prepared to care for our patients, secure our facilities, and have an orderly evacuation process in place, should that become necessary.

To assist staff in the event of such an occurrence, administrative personnel are on call at all times. The emergency officer will direct the plan under the supervision of the President & CEO. This plan is designed to prepare staff and volunteers to effectively handle communications and ensure services continue.

A crisis could include, but is not limited to the following:

  • Hurricane, flood and other severe weather-related conditions
  • Accidents involving employees, visitors and/or patients
  • Crime, bomb threat
  • Natural environmental disaster

Houston Hospice participates in crisis planning for the Texas Medical Center, the City of Houston, and Harris and Wharton Counties to ensure an efficient and professional response to emergencies in our service areas.

In the event of a disaster or severe weather condition, specific information can be found at https://www.hcoem.org/ (Homeland Security & Emergency Management Harris County).

FEMA is another resource to assist in your preparation and planning for safety during a crisis https://www.fema.gov/.